Le Tapeur Adventure Park Guadeloupe
These general conditions apply between the Le Tapeur Adventure Park and all persons making a reservation:
• by text message
• by phone
• onsite
• by e-mail
The present general conditions of sale are modifiable at any time.
The regulations applicable to the booking of a sports activity are those in force at the time of participation.
People making reservations must be 18 years old and emancipated.
The sports activities offered by Le Tapeur are those listed as available at the time of registration.
The price includes supervision only during the introductory lesson or intervention and includes the loan of equipment specific to an activity only when mentioned.
The prices indicated for the activities listed are in Euros (€).
Le Tapeur reserves the right to modify its prices at any time, it being understood however that the price appearing on the website on the day of the order will be the only one applicable to the buyer.
Rates do not include transportation, drinks and food for the activity.
Care of minors
At the discretion of the management team, minors under 16 years of age unaccompanied by an adult (legal guardian) are not allowed.
The groups Centres de Vacances et de Loisirs, Centres de Loisirs Sans Hébergement, associations, and secondary or primary schools must accompany the minors in the trees.
One attendant per 6 children is required to meet the regulations in place.
Under no circumstances will Le Tapeur instructors transport a young minor in their personal vehicle.
Reasons for canceling a reservation
The decision to cancel service due to a weather hazard is the responsibility of the manager(s) in charge of group supervision and safety.
An excursion can not be canceled due to meteorological conditions unless they pose a risk during the practice of the activity.
Le Tapeur adventure park has subscribed to a professional liability insurance for its own activities.
Le Tapeur‘s cannot be held responsible for activities reserved with its partners.
Le Tapeur instructors have a Professional Civil Liability Insurance for the technical supervision of the proposed activities.
Each participant must ensure that they have individual accident insurance. We can not substitute for individual civil liability.
General recommendations and health notice
We inform our guests that all the services offered by Le Tapeur are nature sports activities and pose a degree of risk.
When registering, it is your responsibility to check the prerequisites and the level of skill required. Although the difficulty of the itineraries and routes is adapted and personalized, it is advisable to ensure that you are in appropriate physical condition before you participate. In all cases, do not overestimate yourself and inquire before booking.
Despite all the optimal security measures implemented during our activities – in strict compliance with the rules, procedures and practices in force for the relevant trade – we apply the precautionary principle in order to avoid endangering others. Given this perspective and the haphazardness of the activities, the degree of danger evaluated a priori and subjectively, without a value scale stricto sensu and based on the empirical experience of the field and knowledge of the specific environment, also taking into account the difficulty of assessing a practitioner’s level of fitness and ability before the activity, it is mandatory to report certain pathologies or injuries that have occurred prior to the activity. For example, a sprained ankle or knee surgery may be compromised or aggravated by accidental injury.
To facilitate your care and inform your choice of activity, it is your responsibility to notify the facilitator and the organizer of any medical condition particularly asthma, diabetes, and injuries to the ankles, shoulders, knees, chronic otitis and tendonitis.
Activities are forbidden for pregnant women as well as people weighing more than 100kg. In addition, and as a general rule, the activities proposed by Le Tapeur are not recommended for people who are prone to respiratory or cardiovascular difficulties, tetany, vertigo or to epileptic persons.
Theft and Damage
Le Tapeur Adventure Park is not responsible in the event of theft of loss or deterioration of personal effects in your vehicles or on the sites of le Tapeur.
Rain, thunderstorms, strong winds
We are not responsible for the weather (if we were, it would always be nice!). There will be no refund in case of rain.
Le Tapeur reserves the right to evacuate the course in case of climatic conditions incompatible with the continuation of the activity (thunderstorm and / or violent wind).
Refunds may be considered on a case by case basis according to the position of the practitioners on the course at the time of the decision.
However, there will be no refund if at the time of payment of the service the client was made aware of the risks and decided to continue in any case.
The entrance fee is payable in advance in euros, by cheque, credit card, cash, or holiday vouchers.
Le Tapeur reserves the right to verify the identity of the buyer when the payment is by cheque or to confirm the participant’s age (see our rules). The customer must provide an official piece of valid photo ID: ID card, passport, driver’s license or residence card.
Gift Vouchers
The gift voucher is valid upon receipt of the full payment for the voucher.
The gift voucher is nominative. However, it may be transferable to the person of your choice provided that you inform Le Tapeur in advance to transfer the voucher to a new beneficiary. The recipient of the gift voucher must contact us to make a reservation.
WARNING: the gift voucher has an expiry date. After the validity period (current year), the service will be considered as executed and the expiry date cannot be prolonged. The beneficiary and/or the buyer, can not claim any refund or compensation.
The gift voucher and the nominative documents are to be presented on the day of the activity to the monitor in charge of the session.
The activity will be guaranteed if the minimum number of participants required is met and weather conditions permit.
The parties will endeavor to resolve as amicably as possible any difficulties that may arise in the performance of the contract. If no amicable agreement can be reached, all disputes relating to the validity, interpretation and execution of this agreement will be governed exclusively by the rules of French law.